The drawn out silence was interrupted by an errant boy that collided into the both of them. The boy, no older than six, collapsed onto the floor and b...gan crying. Chris picked him up and Katarina neared."Hey there, buddy. You okay?"The boy only cried louder. "I want my mommy!"Chris smiled gently as he wiped away a tear from the soft, round face and looked around. The view granted by his height offered some more insight than the boy previously had, sighting a frantic looking woman bustling about. La fama di Gaia, dopo l'umiliazione delle quattro ragazze che controllavano la palestra presso la quale si allenava, era notevole.Bene partecipanti! Ora che ci siamo tutti possiamo dare il via ai sorteggi per gli abbinamenti! - Chi parla è uno degli arbitri preposti al corretto svolgimento del torneo.Intanto una ragazza si avvicina sorridente a Gaia. È molto carina, ha gli occhi leggermente a mandorla, gli occhi neri come i capelli che porta acconciati in due code basse tenute da due elastici. She brought a bottle and placed it on the table, she lay on the bed and slowly removed her towel and exposed her front side. I was frozen.She smiled and started to open the bottle she brought. She poured it all over her. It was honey. She said “come n lick, honey” with a wink. I ran to her and cupped her boobs, she moaned. She said “taste it my baby, suck it off” i took her right boobs in my mouth and fondled her left boobs. The nipples were hard, i sucked on the honey poured on the nipples,. As I pulled up, a small door inset into the left gate opened and a simply dressed young man emerged. I noticed the loose cotton shirt and how it draped, hiding a pistol.“Sí?”“Estoy aquí para ver Señor Margules. Me llamo Hunter Lightfoot,” I informed him.He nodded. “Espere.”We waited as instructed.The gates opened. A long drive rose towards a large, very traditional, pale ocher hacienda; red tiled roof, black wrought iron balustrades, wood shutters, bright red geraniums spilling everywhere. At.
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