Lucas looked at her with pity and she became aware of the fact that she was at the mercy of Mister Sebastian and the others. She had precious little i...teraction with either Mister Sebastian or the other officers but they seemed friendly enough and were most obedient to her father's instructions. Sophia was a bit on edge because she didn't like the way the crew was looking in her direction like she was some prize suddenly placed on their plate for consumption.She entered the Captain's cabin with. He had premature ejaculation during his first sexual encounter, also with Vanessa. He got his first speeding ticket three hours after his father bought him a car and crashed that same car eighteen hours later. He also blew his chance at a scholarship to Vanderbilt University for filing his application a day late and ended up going to the University of Massachusetts in Boston. UMass-Boston was an okay school but it was definitely not Sebastien’s first choice. Anyhow, all that was in the past.. Feelings of content and cosiness are streaming through my body. “Aah, so nice!” I’m hearing Ava say again. “Let me just turn around, the splint of the arm I’m lying on is getting sore.” “Sure darling.” Ava turns around, facing me now. She pushes her breasts against my chest. I’m putting my hand on the small of her back, pushing her close to me.We continue cuddling, slightly adjusting our position. I’m lying on my back now, Ava’s face resting on my chest, her breasts pushing against my body. I’m. And whoever had the biggest pot at the end of the night got to have me. And I would get half the pot in cash. I was so totally ready for that.The poker started. The beer and food was delivered. Four of the guys would take little pinches of my butt.trying to grope me a bit. Then the shop owner announced the deal and at that moment I walked in stark naked. Each guy seemed to start drooling at that moment. Except the one non-gay. He looked puzzled. So didn't push it with him.So the guys.
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