Using clamps and bolts and even some wire, they managed to attach the old sheet metal to the gate. The result was a rusty looking monstrosity that fil...ed the entire gap, so that no one could see past nor climb over or through. More supports had to be added to carry the additional weight, as well as give the upper parts of the corrugated iron something to attach to.They were looking over their handiwork. Andrew, who was looking at the setup suddenly stiffed up."May I make a suggestion?" he asked. Charlie saw the rough layout of the ship, the possible 500,000 crew and the enormous number of officers that would be depending on both of them. Even now he had to include Paul, for a job like this required more hours than there were in a day.During the winter they had ploughed. In the rest of the year they drilled and broke up rock, or anything else a family business needed to do to stay alive. Now, after only joining the Tandra and Uncle Henry he was a Captain for a second time and of a ship. How many girls you slept with now? I asked lying back on the bed. Five he said, with a cheeky smile. No way is it five I laugh. Yeah, you my first, Louises, Emma, Savana and that other girl I told you about. He said moving to sit on the window seal his legs hanging over the bed. He cranked open the window and grabbed his packet of fags form ontop of the stereo. Lighting it. Have you ever been in love with someone and no matter what you cant stop loving them I asked. He blew out smoke before. This is my husband Rob. Rob honey. This is Daryl."I leaned down in front of the computer screen. "hey. How are you doing." I said.Candice than went on to speak to this guy named Daryl. "I'll let you go now Daryl. Text me if something comes up before tomorrow evening. See yeah later."Candice ended the video chat and stood up giving me a big hug."What was that all about baby?'"Daryl is a guy I met in a chat room a couple weeks ago." Two weeks ago? How come you didn't mention anything about.
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