Another grenade slowed the remainder as they adjusted to the fact that they were facing different weapons from more people. The arrow that was shot hi... Mike in the arm and it dropped loosely. He and Ann ran back toward us. Both were breathing heavily and Mike was bleeding. While Rob watched, I put a bandage on the arm to get him back to the Marianne and then we left.We returned to the Marianne without further incident. While we all huddled around Mike as Terry patched him up, Ann told their. She took one of the ball gags from the shelf of restraints and slipped the ball between her lips, stretching her mouth wide to accommodate it. She left the straps intended to fasten it hanging loose but stood back against the far wall and unfastened her blouse to bare her breasts before placing her hands behind her head and waiting for me in silence.Nicola looked up from where she was strapped across the whipping bench, surprised by the woman's arrival and the bizarre sight of her standing,. When I got home I had a couple of days before I had to go back to work so I just relaxed around the house. I was faithfully using the dilators and they were getting less uncomfortable. Soon I would be able to take the biggest one which was the size of the average penis I think. I made the decision to use some dildos that were a little above average. I didn’t want to get caught short so to speak if I found a large man. Everything was healing up nicely. The bruising was disappearing and swelling. Before I had a chance to get hard, Janey soaped her one hand up rubbing my tummy and right side, while she held my still mostly limp dick, aimed it at her chest and asked me to let go. She wouldn’t ‘tell’ me anything anymore. She confessed that for now, she envisioned herself my slave, my vassal, or just my thrall. I could probably have her do any number of wonderfully sexual things, even degrading ones, but with power comes responsibility. I didn’t want to get carried away with our new and.
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