They were not happy campers.‘‘You can voice your displeasure with your boss about the misdirection you were given; they are the ones we will be ta...king to, so be in my room a few minutes before nine,’’ I said.A few minutes before nine we had my State Department secure laptop hooked to a flat screen in the meeting room. The room had been swept for bugs by the Secret Service officers again this morning. At nine I keyed the codes in and requested an open link.A few seconds later we were looking at. It had been hours, and the storm still hadn’t let up. Fortunately, his BDU was rated for vacuum, and so there was no chance of him getting wet.He darted back inside the cover of the building as a Phantom made a low pass overhead, blocking the rain for a moment as it hovered directly above him, the bright circle that its searchlight cast on the wet street very nearly catching him. Perhaps it would be wiser to avoid open ground, for the time being. He should try to make his way along the route. You push deeper and harder, the palm of your hand now pressing against my pelvis in a vain attempt to stimulate me; to feel me push my hips back against your hand, yet I am still. Any movement of my body is not of its volition, as you push faster and faster, deeper and deeper inside me.My corpse is swaying to the rhythm of your finger. My head now tapping a staccato beat against the casket, as if against the headboard of a bed. Perhaps that too is appropriate, as this casket is the bed I take. এবার আমি সত্যিই লজ্জা পেলাম। এভাবে কোনোদিন কোনও মহিলা সরাসরি বলতে পারে আমায় এটা ভাবতে পারিনি। আমার মতো মাল ভ্যাবাচ্যাকা খেয়ে বললো হ্যাঁ হ্যাঁ এসো এসো ভেতরে এসো। এবারেও মুনুর ফিচলেমি আরে আগে ঘরে ঢুকে বসি একটু,দু চারটে কথা বলি।তারপর আপনি ভেতরে না আমার ভেতরে ঠিক করবো হি হি হি। জানতে চাইলাম মানে? আমি ওর লাল টি শার্ট ফুঁড়ে বেরোতে থাকা দু দুটো সলিড বেল বা মাই আন্দাজ করছিলাম। বেশ সলিড, সেভাবে টেপা খায়নি কিন্তু।অবাক ঘটনা এমন ঝাড়িবাজ মেয়েছেলে নিটোল পাছা আর মাই….অথচ বিয়ে হয়ে গেল প্রায় ১বছরের বেশি। মিনু.
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