She wanted to buy some T-shirts as well as shorts as we are planning for a trip to goa in December. We got into van Heusen. It was less crowded with one more couple who where shopping. The sales woman asked what we where looking for, and suddenly I pointed out a white cargo shorts. She too loved it, with in no time she took them to the dressing room and tried. We where soo happy that at last we found what we wanted. We forgot to check out the size. When she came out to show it to me, her. . اااااااااااااااااااااااااى يخربتك خررمت كسى وطيزى. ااااه ايه يبنى ده انت مخزنهم بقالك اد ايه قالى انا اول مرة انيك واحدة بضرب عشرات بس.. قلتله عشان كده جبت بسرعه.. شوفلى مناديل بقا انضف نفسى.. قالى ليه انا لسه هنيكك تانى.. اقلعى الجيبة واعدى على اى كرسى ونبقى نغسله لما نخلص فاكملت خلع الاندر والجيبة وبقيت عريانه من تحت وقلتله بس انا كده هتأخر قالى يعنى مش عايزة تتناكى تانى وانتى بتقولى بقالك 3 شهور ماتنكتيش... قلتله لا عايزة بس خايف اتاخر قالى مرة تانيه وهروحك بتاكس يلا باه وقفيه وفى لحظه. A ripple went through her body as her finger moved deeper, exploring hungrily. “Yesss” she breathed out as the tip of her finger found its spot and began to gently swirl and press. Beccy’s body took over, knowing what it wanted, unconscious thought guiding her hand. Her finger was joined by a second and the entry jolted her body, causing a shiver to pass through her despite the warmth of the water. She took a deep breath and relaxed into it, playing for a while, her fingers sliding in and out. (I wouldnt have minded if all the guests had seen!!) Once the last few people had left she came in to get her silky pajamas and I was sitting, naked, on the lap of my fuck who was sitting on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor. I asked her why she needed pajamas and told her to come to me. She walked over and kissed me. It was the horniest thing for me to be in the lap of a man with his cock in me and have my gorgeous friend kissing me deeply! I lifted my hand and started playing.
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