I ain’t so young, or nimble anymore. I’m strong, but not like I used to be when I was a wrought iron little bastard full o’ piss an’ vinegar. ...lippin’ in is easy. Short little twerp left his invitation in his pocket. I wave it at the doormen as I come walkin?’ into this party maybe a little too ruggedly, and a little too roughly. People stare, and I’m thankin’ all the Saints under heaven, and beyond that I didn’t try to stuff my gun in my trousers. The rich. Damned blue blooded arrogant. Since I’m a manager I live on property. The office is open 24 hours a day, so sometimes I’m called to help guests in the middle of the night. It works out best that I stay on property. There’s an employee that’s been working at the hotel for almost a year now as a front desk clerk, named Colton. When I first met Colton he seemed a little bit different than the rest of the guys that worked the front desk. Not in a bad way, he was just quiet and not as outgoing as the rest of the employees. After. The jolt of electricity sent directly to his heart lifted his body from the bed. They tried three times to restart his heart. The second time was best. His eyes flew open one last time in pain and fright, and when they landed on Lauren, she saw the recognition on his face, saw that he remembered her and what she’d done to him. She liked seeing that look, she liked that he knew he’d suffered because of her. She didn’t know why she liked that she just knew she did. And she knew she wanted to do. Then she raised her head and propped herself up on her elbows and watched as he slowly ran his fingers over her body. Finally she said, "Kenneth Bradley, what are you doing?" I'm doing a figure study by the braille method. What in hell does it look like I'm doing?" Ken decided that Cathy was fun to be with as well as being so beautiful and fun just to talk to. "I read a book once that said a man should learn about a woman's erogenous zones. I'm not sure exactly what it means but the context.
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