Brenda pressed play on the video and sat back to watch her mom. The first part of the video was just as she said. Her mom listened and practised the b...eathing techniques. Brenda watched as she did the stretching she could do while sitting. Soon her mom's eyes began to glaze over, then flutter, then close. Brenda had edited out Master’s command to contact him. She also copied and pasted a big section after Master initially dropped her into trance so it would be like getting the programming. He took me to the den, and proceeded to apply the make, brush my hair which took another forty five minutes. Dad stepped back, “don’t move my little Casey”. He said as he turned went to his desk and got his camera. “Smile now” click, “get up hands on hips, butt out lean forward and smile”. Dad had me pose for all kinds of pictures. I was liking it. “Alright Casey come on lets down load them”. Dad hooked the camera up, and started to down load them into his personal files. “Casey I’m hungry,. 'It really is great, too big for just you though don't you think?' She asked cheekily.'Well maybe there's room for another potter, ' I conceded.'Or a lathe maybe?''Sorry no chance Lucy, ' I looked at her and the disappointment was tangible, 'I would love to work with you but wood and sawdust just wouldn't mix with glazed pieces.''Sorry, I didn't think of that. It's just all I have is a garden shed and it's a bit cramped.'We continued talking crafts when an idea began to formulate. One of the. My cunt involuntarily contracted around his hammering rod, causing even more passionate and powerful sensations to course through my trembling body. Then it hit me again. I felt another massive orgasm regain control of all my senses. The only difference was that there was a long, thick, and extremely hard penis rammed all the way up my drooling love canal. I was like a prisoner impaled by a huge spike that held me in place as I flooded my tunnel. I could actually feel his penis swell in size.
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