Nobody around here knows anything about it. If you're looking for a local pervert then you'd better think again." It might be somebody you don't know.... We know them all, Mister Penrose. More than your stupid computers and pointless CRB checks will ever tell you. You just need to watch one as he passes a young boy or girl, watch his body language change and you know all you need to know. I'll bet half of them haven't even been checked. They've never been arrested for anything in their life so. And then there's the planet run by those "damn dirty apes!" You get the idea (I hope). Anyway, you and I are just humble travelers, wandering the many worlds, and enjoying the many wonders that the multiverse has to offer. And then, as fate would have it, we stumble upon one that is close to our hearts... well, my heart at least. I honestly have no clue what lies behind those muscular walls of your ticker, or in the general vicinity. But since I am the one holding the Multiverse. A barbed sucker grazed over a matching scar on the back of her hand, and her lungs began to scream.Stars shot off like sparks. Lungs shriveled. Muscles twitched. She thought she might drown. A cloud of yellow shot out from underneath her ripped nylons as she lost control of her bladder, the hot stream cutting through the icy brine. As if sensing her life force ebb, more tentacles embraced her and propelled her to the surface.Recycled air never tasted so sweet.Inhaling, oxygen singed her every. "This seemed to really upset her and she finally responded with, "How about fucking my ass? You can cum there if you can't promise to not cum inside my pussy." Done," was the last thing I heard him say.That conversation to this day has been one of the hottest things I've heard my slut girlfriend say to another man. All I knew was that my girlfriend was on her knees at this point getting this man hard with a passion aching to have cock in her. She was spitting all over his dick lubing it up nice.
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