It let me walk secure in mymanhood.Today, though, I am sure I can handle an attacker,through surprise or though getting help, and it?snice to make guy... feel better about themselves byhelping me. --What?s the worst thing?Maintenance. Hair and nails and exercise and clothesall take time and effort, and while that can be fun,it becomes a chore. Rushing into the strip mall for aquick bikini wax is a chore.I know how to make taking care of myself a luxury --a day at a spa, a night in with my robe. Then you went and got some hot water from the geyser and that was the first time i realized i was wrong in thinking until then that you were a selfish mean k**. You were too caring and you touched my heart that day like no body did earlier or after. So you started to wash and lotion my cuts one by one until you reached my thighs. I then observed your hands were trembling and you were hesitant to go ahead. So i pulled up my skirt and spread my legs so that you knew i was fine with it. When your. Her normally straight hair and had been curled and waved and she had on just enough makeup to make her look even more beautiful then usual. I must have been staring because she stopped after a few steps looking back at me. ‘What? Is something wrong?’ I smiled. ‘No.. you look… beautiful.’ She smiled back, relieved as she took the last few steps meeting me at the bottom of the stairs. ‘Oh good. I thought you were going to faint or something,’ she said with a laugh. ‘I thought I might,’ I answered. We took the rest of the night off and sat and drank and visited. No longer than I had known them I felt an affinity for them and a longing to get to know them both better. I found myself staring at them and a time or two I caught each of them watching me with a questioning look on their faces.Two days later, on a Thursday we were supposed to pick up the guys at the airport but I got a call from my attorney. The hearing for our divorce had been moved up to that day so I couldn't pick them up..
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