Sie bekam ihren Job bei einer Art Ärzte-Casting, in dem sie die Bewerberin mit der Nr.13 war, weshalb sie von ihrem Chef und ihren Kollegen oftmals einfach mit "Dreizehn" angesprochen wird. Sie leidet unter der unheilbaren Krankheit Chorea Huntington, an der auch schon ihre Mutter verstarb, und hat eine absehbar begrenzte Lebenserwartung. Dies führt dazu, dass sie einen recht exzessiven Lebensstil pflegt und Partys und Drogen alles andere als abgeneigt ist. Sie ist selbstbewusst, sich. ‘Fuck!’ I chirped, as Roger’s fingers slid away from my clit and into the depths of my pussy triggering off my first orgasm under his touch. I looked down as I squirted all over his hand. Even though Roger had only run his finger down and back once, I was so highly aroused that my pussy kept shooting cum all over us until my crutch was dripping wet. ‘Bloody hell,’ Roger exclaimed as he visually surveyed the mess I had made. ‘It’s true what they say, like mother like daughter.’ With that Roger. She looked at me for 5 seconds waiting for me to give some kind of explanation. I just started to talk and try to explain myself I didn’t know what to say “Sorry I forgot to lock the door...what do you want? ....Please don’t tell mom and dad” I went on and on she finally said something after listening to me “It’s ok I won’t tell them but you have to do everything I say”. I nodded and she told me to come into her room in 5 minutes. She closed the door and left and I sat there in disbelief at my. Ray J called several times over the next few days just to check in while I stayed home and made myself busy. Ray J finally arrived home and I immediately gave him the fifth degree concerning his wagering on the race. Ray J assured me that although his driver did not win he had not lost a single penny on the race. We fucked that night and I thought it was over and that I had won.Friday night came and after dinner Ray J told me that his buddies were coming over in the morning for a cook out and a.
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