Shape.Upper body: _development_ of breasts and shapely figure, _decrease_ of bodily hair growth and a _softening_ of the skin on the upper body for; _loss_ of breasts and shapely figure, _increase_ of bodily hair growth and _toughening_ of the skin on the upper body for females.Lower body: _redistribution_ of body fat _to_ ass, hips and thigh regions, _decrease_ of bodily hair growth and a _softening_ of the skin on the lower body for males; _redistribution_ of body fat _from_ ass, hips. She said, hey you, have a minute? He turned around and when he saw her he just said, oh my… and after a short silence said, I don`t think I have only one minute, you better have the whole night. And he walked in.As she closed the door he grabbed her, she felt all her body next to hers, he kissed her neck, and that smell of man got her hungrier, he grabbed her rough just as she thought he would. She didn`t try to turn, and he kept pressing her against the wall, and held her waist with one hand. ’ He imagined the last time he saw her with shorts on. They were filled out and with each step he could see he perfectly toned muscles striving to break out. He began to feel his blood rushing from his body. Quickly, he put them back and closed the drawer. ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ He left the room and went to the cat’s room where he scooped the litter box, gave them some new water, and poured them some food. After he played with tiger and mimi for a while, he gave them. My heart is pounding like a racehorse.But the outcome was what we both wanted…naked on bed and he is fucking me. As if it was a muhurtam Arun stopped after he entered me. We lay there on the bed unmoved with the ultimate union a mother and son could have. I could see Arun's face glowing with pride, the pride that comes with a conquest, the pride of conquering his mother's vagina.After a while he slowly pulled out his dick out of me and thrust back into it. Then he started his act of fucking his.
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