It's not sobad when you only smoke the good ones." "I don't mind," replied Charlene. She recognized the wrapping of thecigar as Cuban, the type her f...ther sometimes smoked. She also knew theywere both expensive and illegal. "I don't smoke myself, but I like thearoma." "Good girl," he said as he lit the cigar. "I suppose you wonder why I'vegiven you this promotion. As you have probably noticed, we cater to arather wealthy and exclusive crowd. Granted, money doesn't always meangood manners, as. Near here, a large group of bandits a great many years ago had terrorized a wide area around here and had seized a immense amount of plunder during their heyday — said to be nearly equal to a king's ransom. Pursued by the Duke's soldiers (not the current Duke, but when his father was the Duke), they cunning but hastily hid their loot to make faster time in order to escape but fell into an ambush that only a few survived. It was years before any of the remaining bandits could return to search. Then I got distracted as Darrell began to eat me more vigorously. My orgasm hit unexpectedly and screamed as Darrell began to worry my clit rapidly. The squishy sound of my juicy pussy bounced around the car, mixing with the heavy breathing. Sidney must have missed some of the good parts as he negotiated traffic.This was to test Sidney to see if he really meant that I could fool around. I would have another test for him in a few minutes. I looked so sexy, lying there with my skirt up, one lover. I was a complete and dedicated cock sucker. A cock and cum lover, like I had known I wanted to be.We didn’t talk much at first, but soon I began to open up to him and the idea of being with multiple guys came up. I don’t know for sure who had first mentioned it, but I’m sure it was clear to him that I was into it, just extremely cautious. “No one could know” I said and he assured me. “We had been living in the closet for years and know many more that still are. We know how to keep a secret.” I.
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