Reaching Earl Brithnoth, brandishing his sword at the long-defeated Danes, we looked down river; a sailing barge, all sail set, was rounding the Heybridge; that was one keen skipper! He did have a good breeze to do it. I half wished I could get back to the quay to watch him – or perhaps her, there are one or two female barge-masters – come alongside. But only half, because I had other things on my mind than seamanship. She drew abreast of us, and I led Wendy to the bench seat behind. Tonight we are meeting at a dark and smoky Jazz Bar, around the corner from his place. I’m finally ready to leave, I’m late as I was having trouble with what to wear. A short black skirt, a form fitting white blouse buttoned to just that right spot, where you see the voluptuous swell of hills and the start of a deep valley. You know just enough to show the black lace edge of my bra. And of course killer high heeled pointed shoes. As I enter the bar I’m hit with everything all at once, my senses. They were hand-held high-powered lasers.Mary/Fran also gave Tiger, Cynthia and me a new firewall. We were now effectively controllers like mom, dad, Nancy and Jane. She also handed us an aerosol can. I recognized it immediately as one of the WE infestation aerosols.Then we all knew that the WE had suspected another life form had sent the asteroids at the Earth. Mary/Fran brought the aerosol so we might try to infect that life form. The WE wanted the ship. If possible they wanted the life form. After a few short bobs to get things started, she deliberately went deep, gagging herself to get the spit machine flowing. Beth was a consummate cocksucker; Roy had insisted upon nothing less! She knew that a soft, wet grip from her mouth and lips, no teeth, and liquid movement from a tongue while working a cock deep and backing off to the tip on every stroke was the proper way to simulate a vagina -- and that throat was an extra, while teeth were a no-no! Roy had insisted that she master deep.
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