It was good to be a Don Francisco Ramos donkey!!!Over her continuous moans, Sonya could hear the frenzy of the watching crowd as they cheered non-stop...for the donkey, urging him to totally take her.Sonya had to admit that the lop-eared, homely animal was achieving the expressed goal of the crowd of onlookers, as it felt to her like he had now managed to get his whole massive dong stuffed up inside of her cunt.Now confident that she could handle the animal’s huge weapon, Sonya began to feel her. I heard my dad’s car pulling into the driveway and I literally couldn’t not contain my excitement. I had been dreaming about this moment for months and he was finally here. I waited at the top of the stairs for them to come in and as soon as I saw him walking in I rushed down the stairs and wrapped my arms around Xavier. He was wearing a simple T-Shirt that read “Melanin”, a pair of basketball-type shorts, and some beach sandals. It wasn’t until my mom said “Alright, Alright, let him go Aaron”. Foreplay past in a blur, it could have taken an hour and I would have been none the wiser, but I could just barely remember soft pleas breaking from my lips, wanting more from him, all from him. Before long, he had me on my front, warm hands applying something cold to my behind, his cock sheathed in a rubber condom sliding haltingly into my tight, previously untouched entrance. His rough hands were rubbing up and down my sides, sending shivers everywhere, one of them going up to grip my left. The last thing she wanted was to make him feel guiltier. ‘Hey, it could’ve been so much worse,’ she said lightly. ‘Jonathan guessed what was going on, thank God. I think he might even have known I was pregnant before I did. And because Joanna—his wife—had HG when she was pregnant, they knew what to do. She insisted I saw her obstetrician. They were even willing to pay for me to see him privately, can you believe that? But they didn’t need to. He came to see me when I was in hospital that first.
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