Afterthat, they stopped arguing, and fired the jocks that now were facingmultiple rape charges. [<>][<>][<;]After graduation, Les and I went to the archery range to practice withhis new crossbow and arrows. Les loved to hunt deer and preferred acrossbow over a rifle. We took the set out to an archery field onemorning and spent the entire day shooting at paper targets, and we bothproved to be pretty good at it. But trouble reared its ugly head. “That is for doing as I ask. You can be such a good girl, thank you, Perhaps I should give you more tasks to complete. But, I am not done with you. You will be punished for the lack of respect you showed me when I got here”. I hope no one smells your wet pussy in your meetings you say with an evil smile. Actually, I hope they do, because in the mind I want you thinking about what is going to happen when you get home tonight. I want you to still be wet, to have a nice big wet spot on your. ....''feeling in his complete control after only 2 ''fun times''''lets go to my place then''i wasnt sure after we got to his place and he undress me''wtf you are in boxer?''throswn naked on the floor and ass slap so hard i crawl foward lookig back at him unbucling''you sissy boy dont deserve to be a boy , you belong in panty all all fucking time craving cock up in there''he watch me try to get up afraid his belt in his hand and i was left to stand up pn;y for him to thrown me again on the floor. She paused for a moment before adding, “I missed you.”He leaned down and softly kissed the edge of her jaw. Her heart fluttered slightly as his hot breath swirled around her face and down her neck. “I missed us,” he murmured, trailing kisses up her face until he met her lips. She reached up to pull his face closer, her breathing becoming increasingly faster, and he rolled himself on top of her. She reflexively spread her legs to accept him and the feeling of his weight pressed against her.
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