Her face was flawless with dimples and sparkling blue eyes. Gail's breasts were not large but hardly invisible. She was completely shaved. Bernie took...her hand leading them to the water's edge. She dipped a toe in the azure blue ocean. "Bernie, it's not cold at all," then she flew into the waves abandoning all caution. They splashed and played in the ocean like kids for awhile until Gail threw her arms around Bernie saying, "This is fabulous, Bernie. I never expected anything like this," and. “Speak up girl. Don’t be shy.” “Yes, I need more,” Carla sighed, almost inaudibly. Why am I saying these things? She thought to herself. What has this woman reduced me to? “Yes. You do. I know it, and deep down inside, you know it too. You crave this. This is what you’ve been looking for, while experimenting with Gerald and Alice all these years.” All the while, Doris had been slowly running her hand over Carla’s buttocks and legs. Still resting her one hand on Carla’s back, she began again. Pentru ca intre buze tineam inca captiv lindicul ei, toata zeama orgasmului s-a revarsat peste barbia mea si s-a scurs incet pe obraji si pe gat. Orgasmul violent al mamei m-a facut si pe mine sa-mi dau drumul aproape imediat, mai ales ca Alex pompa in mine din ce in ce mai rapid. Am tipat scurt, mi-am ridicat de doua ori bazinul si am cazut lata, aproape fara sa mai simt nimic. N-am mai simtit nimic nici macar atunci cand Alex m-a inundat cu jeturi de sperma mugind a****lic. Mama era prabusita. She had never seen her naked body in its entirety before. Having seen so many naked or near naked bodies recently she was curious to see how she compared. She concluded that she had a nice face: not startlingly pretty, but still nice. A little thin perhaps, like the rest of her, but her eyes were large even if her lips weren't at all prominent. Her lank fair hair fell onto her shoulders, even more lank than usual as it was still damp from her bath. She was slim. Her breasts and hips had never.
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