In a second the door buzzed and we entered. Once inside we saw a window with frosted glass. A ladies voice said please sign in. My wife signed a ledge... and slide it under the window. A lady opened a door to the right and asked me to come with her. I pointed at myself and asked ME ? She said yes you. I let go of my wife's hand and followed the lady. She showed me to the waiting room. There where four guys setting there waiting on their wife's. They glanced up when I came in. No one spoke to me.. “You made a valid point about me knowing all these people. I never even considered that. It would be exciting. But you’re right. If I somehow found the nerve I’d regret it later. So let’s just watch and then go home and fuck our brains out.”We kissed for a moment, until we heard a clinking noise. We turned to see Jim tapping on his beer bottle to get everyone’s attention, as if everyone in the bar isn’t staring already.Everyone got quiet and Jim said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I want to apologize. Sally Anne heard the footstepsand kissed me even more furiously and almost shutting out thethought of the woman approaching I continued to caress herclitoris through her panties.The woman came alongside us and said crossly. "You women shouldbe ashamed of yourselves behaving like this in public." She thenwalked off muttering to herself. As she spoke to us Sally Anneorgasmed and if I had not been holding her she would literallyhave sagged at the knees as she came.We finally separated and walked. I finally turned off the television and the lights, and tucked myself into my bed, pulling the covers up to my neck. I settled on my back, staring at the darkness above.I know it hurts, Penelope. I'm sorry. It hurts me that you have forgotten.I was confused again, vaguely remembering hearing that voice before. I recalled it from the afternoon, and the night before. That familiar voice somewhere between my ears and my brain. "Jackie?"It hurts to remember some of it, Penelope, but there was a lot.
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