She texted me early, and asked if I could come early. I knew I was going to get to have my baby girl one more time so I was eager. I arrived at the and from outside I could hear voices inside. I knocked. My little girl opened the door. My eyes immediately beheld two naked women. I was introduced to Natalie, the hotel employee. Natalie was about the same as my little girl. 5’3’’, 130 lbs., nice big “D” tits and a shaved pussy.As soon as I walked in my baby girl said she had planned this. I had to laugh at that last part; I knew all too well that she could be a real bitch at times. I replied back, “She’s not so prim and proper now, less a bitch and much more receptive to a man's hand on her ass now”.His reply changed the whole tone of our conversation, "Has she cuckolded you?" Yes" More than one man?”"Yes".I could feel myself morphing back into the submissive cuck as I replied to his string of questions. His next question put him totally in charge and made me feel the complete. She would chat for hours with Emma and Maisie, seemingly never worried about the way the two of them would enmesh their bodies around each other. She only objected when other people became involved. Letitia believed quite firmly that love was not something that could be shared, and often told Maisie so. “Oh, Letitia, you’re so boring!” Maisie exclaimed. “Why not join me and Emma? We can show you what love’s really like!” “That must be the greatest contradiction in words you can imagine!”. . of course, poor Simon would bepaying by services in return.Simon was now very tired, he had been going from room to room for a longtime serving anyone who wanted him to in any way they wanted. Some guysjust wanted him to get them hard and watch while they fucked their wife(or whoever she might be), some women just wanted to see his locked upclitty bulge for a laugh, some guys wanted to shoot cum over his face.He found the numb feeling had grown and he had become more submissive asthe.
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