Gegen Mittag kamen Sie in einer Küstenstadt an, die modern und Touristenfreundlich war. Sie mieteten sich einen Zeltplatz mit Strom, bauten Ihr Zelt ...uf und schauten sich dann die Stadt an. Es gab hier praktisch alles, von Groschengräbern für Touristen bis zu traditioneller Fischerei. Entsprechend gab es fröhliche und freundliche Fremde und auch mürrische, oder genervte Einheimische. Sie trafen andere junge Leute mit denen gerade Josef der sehr aufgeschlossen war gut zurecht kam und schnell. Opening it very carefully for no good reason and there was only a note.” The Queens Garter pub, 9.30 tonight. Ask for Kimberley, say Siobhan sent you. They will have costumes. None required!!! Give Jodie £10 and she will do your slap. Break a leg babe! S xxx” Possibly S was for Siobhan.The Queens Garter was the pub I had looked at before but never went in. A rather small, discrete drinking salon with an upstairs for private events was all I knew. At 9.00pm I walked over and took a look. Music. I visited her on Mother’s Day weekend, and she insisted that we go to play tennis at the courts provided by the condominium complex. I came dressed in a polo shirt and Dockers, and stated that I couldn’t play because I didn’t have sportswear to put on. She pish-poshed that excuse, and went to retrieve a pair of my father’s white tennis shorts. Dejected, I went to the bathroom to change, knowing that my mother’s 8 years of playing high school and college tennis did not bode well for my barely. Give me your address and we’ll go in my car. There’s no need of the cab’. Soon enough, they reached his place. As they stood outside the door, he fished for his keys and recalled a line from Harry Potter. ‘It’s not much, but it’s home’ She smiled a poker face smile as he opened the door. ‘Please, make yourself comfortable.’ He turned to close the door. Soon as he turned back, her lips were on his. He was shocked beyond his wits, but quickly recovered to kiss her back. Her tongue was insistent.
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