It’ll cover everything except computers, family portraits, my beds and cupboards. His fax machine beeps with a signed fax to that effect, authorisin... me to negotiate and sign for them. I look at Lucie and her parents, singing ‘It’s a small world after all.’ We all laugh. I say, “I’ll withdraw while you haggle with Marko.” Lucie asks if the furniture’s nice. I say, “It’s lovely and I can show you around any time. I’m currently living there with an army of sort-of in-laws, the family of one of my. S Salute, Aussie : brushing flies awaySalvos, the : Salvation Army, bless themSandgroper : a person from Western AustraliaSanger : a sandwichSav : saveloy (see also “fair suck of the sav!”)Schooner : large beer glass in Queensland; medium beer glass in South AustraliaScratchy : instant lottery ticketScreamer : party lover; “two pot screamer” - somebody who gets drunk on very little alcoholSeppo (Septic tank, rhyming slang): an AmericanServo : petrol stationShag on a rock, stands out like a :. The smile returned to his face and Ginger got him a swimsuit to wear. Ginger grabbed some towels and sunscreen and met us out at the pool. The pool looked very clean and inviting and I told Jerry he was doing a great job taking care of it. After being kicked out by his girlfriend, his self-image had been pretty much dashed to pieces, so the compliment was exactly what he needed. The three of us casually swam and talked for a few minutes and then Ginger asked Jerry if he was using the pool. It hadn’t EVER been my intention to pass myself off as 1st or 2nd, but Ian commended my performance to Coach Herron and I couldn’t bring myself to tell either of them. The following years I played tennis, with much more enjoyment and success. 2.) I used to hang out with some rebellious types, smoking pot and what not… as early as freshman year. In this way, I came to spend some time with Denny Taber, a Karate blackbelt and one of the toughest kids in Klamath… lifting weights and listening to.
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