Sheopened the envelope, got the old letter out it was a very old scrollit read: If you our reading this then I have pass on and I must tellyou that is not just a plain vanity. It has old and deep magicin it, I know that you're thinking yea right, but you must believe meand read the rest. This vanity will make the perfect wife. She willlive to serve and will have only your happiness as her primary goalin life. There are 2 parts to this the vanity and the wedding ring.Once a body. The way your lips curve when you smile. Your innocence in life itself, and the love and respect that you show for others, blows me away. With the kindness and care that you have for others, that’s the main reason why I feel this way. Everything about you makes me feel this way. Every time I close my eyes there you are staring back at me, never wanting to open them again. Because when I do the image of you will disappear. So many nights I’ve imagined you in my bed. Not just making love to you,. I kissed back. My parents’ faces flashed in front of my eyes. I stopped, jumped off the couch and took some paces backwards. "I'm sorry, Shelly, I don't know what I was thinking." She stood and came to me and put her arms around me, looking at me. I was crying. "What am I doing, Shelly? What was I thinking? This is wrong!" "So your parents say Molly. But what do you feel?” Shelly lightly pushed my curly hair off my face and wiped away my tears. “Do you feel it is wrong, Molly?” I couldn’t. Your memory will get better as your strength improves," Amy got up and walked across the room sitting on the edge of the bed."Here, sit up and drink this my dear and then go back to sleep," Amy said as she helped Sam sit up and then handed her the chocolate.Sam drank about half the cup and then settled down on her back again. "If you will help me, I will go back to my room. I'm so weak I don't think I could walk there by myself. I must have the flu or something although I really don't feel.
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