My sharp, supernatural senses started to filter all that was thrown at me... music, vocal chatter, sweat, alcohol... all mixing together into an distraction. My hunger was the only thing that mattered. I could feel the pulsing of the young bodies moving and mixing together rhythmically. I made my way to the bar to get myself a drink, and then found a spot in the darkness to observe my prey.From a distance, I planted a seed of charm in the mind of a woman unfortunate enough to meet my. Not that I minded, that much. I would have to be a complete idiot to not appreciate having a pretty girl on my arm.I was just having trouble with the fact that as we strolled through the museum, she seemingly, somehow, kept getting closer to me. Not only that, the red blouse she was wearing was losing buttons. We were checking out a full-scale model of an Albertosaurus when I noticed the button phenomena. When I had picked her up that morning, and on the two hour drive to the museum, her silk. With a gesture, he indicated that she should look through – hoping to himself that it wasn’t just the caretaker popping in for a quick nap. To his relief, it wasn’t. Peering over Jenny’s shoulder, he saw Mr Johnson and Miss Ford, already in each other’s arms. Jenny turned and looked at Mick with her mouth open, and her eyes bright with shocked delight. She was clearly about to whisper something, but Mick quickly put his hand over her mouth, and turned her back to the gap. ………….This time, there. Micheal skidded to a halt. His eyes darted back to Billy and Dean then to Eddie ... Eddie was the best choice, only one, just when he went to run again, Billy and Dean had him."Now now is that anyway to react?" Billy's voice sounded soothing, like he used with horses, yet his grip was vice like."What do you want? I ain't got no money I spent it all inside." Micheal tried to play dumb. He didn't even see Dean's fist coming, aimed for his nose. The crack had Eddie wincing and stepping back a.
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