After all, it had only been an afternoon and he hadn’t looked around either of the sites yet.Exploring was the mark of the next couple of nights. through them was a hedonistic and above all eye-opening experience.Any last vestiges he had of the noble Christian worldview of women being without lust or desire quickly evaporated in the sea of erotic fantasies, lustful inquisitions and a wide range of expressions of cravings that you might never even think could cross the mind of the fairer. Secretly thinking to himself that he will never have to eat all those boxes of cereal again to get the toys and secret decoder rings. He will finally be able to decode those messages on the back of the boxes forever. Pixie mumbles out from between licks, "you know you taste like tofu too. I never really knew I had a taste for it." In the distance they hear the bell ding warning of 5 minutes to the start of shift. Frustrated and knowing that they are going to be interrupted yet again Pixie. And She forbade me from cumming. I gave Her my word, which was strongerto me than any chastity device, but I still wore one, and she had thekey on the silver chain around Her beautiful ankle.After the first week of this constant stimulation, I was going crazy. Ifelt like a sex-crazy whore, ready and willing to do absolutely anythingfor a release - and I was, too. We skyped every night and exchangedmessages during the day, Her taunting and degrading me with messageslike "how's my sexy whore. Then we had a good meal at about eight o'clock, after Whitney got home from practice. She was really amped up tonight as they would have their first exhibition on Sunday against the Lady Hoosier Stars. It was a game none of us wanted to miss, partly because we got to see some of the stars of previous years playing against the current team.They weren't just players from IU, either. The Stars practiced pretty hard coming up to the exhibition games and included Indiana women who had attended.
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