After walking a few feet,he heard a weird noise and turned around just in time to see theentrance door slide shut. "Shit," he mumbled. "I should have ...nownI couldn't trust that bitch."He banged on the walls, but nothing happened.There was little else he could do now. He had to continue onwardthrough the maze. But he had no doubts that the police would bewaiting for him as he exited. Maybe that would be for the best.As he turned another corner, he found all the walls had be replacedwith mirrors.. We went into one of the unused bedrooms. The bed had been removed and a table was in the room with electronic equipment on it. I could see wires going out the window. I could see microphones. “Dad, this looks way too complicated to be CB, but is radio of some kind.”Sandy exclaimed, “I know what that is. It’s ham radio. I recognize the Kenwood 440. My father was a ham. He had a 430 in his shack!”“Do you remember his call sign?” asked my dad.No, sir. It’s been at least ten years since he was on. If I understand it better, I can help you evaluate its effectiveness.”“I’ve got to quit talking to you,” he teased. “You keep bringing up valid points I can’t argue with.”“That’s the idea. As long as we’re meeting out in the open, how about if I bring a couple of Ethan’s friends for an evaluation? You can determine whether you can do them any good or not. If you think it’s worth it, they’ll make spare test subjects for you to try new techniques with.”“All right, you’ve got a decent point again,. " I couldn't resist."Thanks, I learned from the best. Of couse it dosn't hurt to have been doing it since I was a kid. I'll go along with you for now, but if it goes wrong bail out and meet me back at the boat. I'll wait for you as long as possible, but if it's between you getting a ride home or the kid making it out of here, you'll have to find your own ride." Deal. Now let me see what's cooking."I left Ricky holding a scared three year old and moved around the wood line to the lab at the rear.
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