Not sure what is going to happen afraid to even speculate. When the day is over, what will the results of the rage be? What will be left of the shell ...f a person in the corner? Thunk, thunk, thunk, his steps as he draws closer, ever closer, with that look in his eyes, are amplified by her fear. Will this be the day he goes over the edge? Will it be tomorrow? When will it end? Who will survive the final confrontation? Who will want her, broken and afraid, when he is done? Will anyone ever want. But Taylor and Wendy were too strong for the tiny little creature, and the dragged her over to Betty, now sitting on the bed next to Lily, and forced the struggling girl down over her lap. Taylor held Louise's shoulders, forcing her in place across Betty's lap. The tiny girl kicked and bucked, but the two larger girls were too strong for it to make any difference. The sight of this small girl across another girl's lap (her same age, no less) was a. 'Be with me, ' she softly whispered to him.'Anything for you, ' he replied pulling from her and he reached to a tall shelf and began pulling down pillows. 'Let's lay these out on the floor, ' he smiled to her as they began to make a bed on the floor. Caleb looked to the makeshift bed and smiled. 'Well it's better than being on the floor, ' he said giving Nickie a loving hug.She moved to the bed and lie on it. 'Well, why don't you undress and we'll see how good it is, ' she said looking to him. ‘Thanks friend!’ waved Mallian. Everyone else waved too before the whale left. ‘I remember this coastline. We head northwest.’ replied Lola. They did for several more hours until sundown. They ate supper and traveled for a little while later until they came top of a crest. Down below, they saw a forest. ‘There it is!’ pointed Kyra. ‘Well, we’ll start exploring tomorrow. Let’s rest for the night.’ suggested Lance as he dismounted. The others dismounted as well. Pristine found herself next.
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