" "I'll go first." Tom cried. "I wish for this island was a resort that my brother and I own." "Granted." The jungle was suddenly repla...ed with a grand resort staffed with people who had been homeless and unemployed around the world. The two brothers found themselves standing in an office. "Not bad huh, Hank." Tom smiled greedy. "Not good enough." "For my second wish, I want this resort to be in a deal that will bring it big bucks." Suddenly a shiek busted. ..." Before she could stop, her son came, a spray of cum jetting out of his cock. The white spooge landed on his thighs and on her tits. Blondie did not want this to happen so soon. She wanted him to at least last long enough to get him inside her waiting confines. But she did not want to stop pumping that spurting cock with all of that jism now oozing out of it. When he was finished coming, Blondie took her towel that she used during her exercising and wiped the semen off of both of them.. She's obviously started something — some part of the recovery process — but she needs time for it to work, and she needs to spend more time with Kim. If she thought it was imperative to call the 'mating' off, I'm sure she would have." You need to tell Dave about this. He needs to know in case something goes wrong," Diana said, her face contemplative."I've almost told him twice, but each time he interrupted with something about the marriage. Hell, he's already so worried, then hitting him with. "Yeah, me and God, pal," She sighed then and stepped closer, wrapping her thin arms about his waist, "You'd best remember that, too." Then, in a feathery tone, "I'll show you another one, come on." I think I've seen it before, Ashe," He said, with just the revenant of a provoking grin, as she led him into the surrounding forest, "Does it resemble a thatch of... "Interrupting him, Ashe slapped him playfully on the arm, hissing, "Don't be vulgar!"Reed sat up and reached to pull a scrap of Baby's.
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