Mit der linken Hand hielt er sie an der H?fte fest, w?hrend seine rechte Hand unter den Saum ihres Rockes glitt, hoch zum H?schen. Z?rtlich glitten Finger zwischen ihre Beine, liebkosten ihre gro?en Schamlippen durch den Stoff des Seidenslips. Helen wollte etwas sagen, doch ein Blick aus Tims kalten Augen lie?en sie verstummen. Sie sah in den Augen ihres Sohnes kein Anzeichen von Mitleid, im Gegenteil. Sie sah darin den puren Sadismus. Trotz der Schmerzen in ihren Br?sten und Nippeln fing. Her head was covered with a heavy veil to keep out dust swirling around on the hot wind from the desert. Sometimes, men — strangers to this place – thought her condition made her an easy target for their desires, but others would soon warn them about the curse. Anyone who lay with her would die. Though some tried, her vacant stare and mindless prattling soon made them seek easier companions. She often stood here watching crowds jostle around the flimsy stalls, sometimes loading their purchases. We stayed very quiet and in the pool thinking we would get in trouble for being up late. Tim's mom and a blonde woman came stumbling onto the deck with two men. The men were kissing the women and trying to take thier clothes off. Tim's mom removed her clothes and laid on a lounge chair legs spread wide. The blonde did the same. The men, one had short hair and one had a pony tail removed their clothes. the short hair one got on top of Tim's mom and started to fuck her. The pony tail guy did the. The clink of metal echoed in her ear, followed by the soft scrape of a zipper being undone. Warm, hard, flesh pressed between her folds, a thick cock ready to sink inside her and she feels a trickle of her excitement leave her creamy hole and move down, just to drip onto my cock head. I smirked against her lips, heated breath skimming against her, and she knew it was time. As I pull from the kiss, I look down at her so I can watch her face. My hips press forward, pushing the thickened rod with.
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