You up for some foosball?’ ‘Sure. If you’re up for getting your ass kicked again.’ ‘Hey Mr. Cocky! You better watch out. I’ve been’ ‘Sure, sure. Just remember to bring the case of beer you owe me from last time.’ ‘Yah, yah. I’ll be there around eight.’ ‘Okay. See you then.’ I hung up the phone and made my way back to the shower. Playing foosball wasn’t my idea of a good way to spend my Saturday night, but I didn’t exactly have anything else to do. Besides, Jen and I always have fun.. “And I love you too, Clay. But there’s a lot of things we need to talk about, and I can’t do it here on the phone.”There was another pause, then my spirits did a 180 when she said, “I know it’s a drag, and I’m sorry about having to work late, but sometimes things are what they’re meant to be. So go on to bed. When I get home, I’ll need to shower and take a nap. But then we’ll go out to eat and start sorting things out. Okay? Great. And I love you, too. Goodnight, honey. I’ll see you in the. We left the men's room together and got in Kevin's vehicle as we went out the main gate and onto the highway Kevin told me to move closer and to unsnap my pants . I did as i was told Kevin then started to move his hand up the inside of my leg slow strokes and then circular pattern until his hand was cupping my rock hard cock and balls making me moan in shear delight. Kevin just smiled and said instead of Paul you should be Paula you are very feminine and i loved it when you shook your ass. I was enjoying my new taste of freedom, and I planned to keep it that way. My grades were always good all through out grade school, and I was doing well my first month in. I was miles and miles away from home,and on a whole other side of the country, so I only would see family on holiday breaks. I had four classes my first semester. Most were prerequisites, Math, English,Western Civilization and Psychology. We met 2 days a week, a only classes 4 days a week, and that did not include fridays..
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