The church -- Bethel African Baptist -- was very political, and had been for a good many years, and the politics were pretty radical and separatist in...more ways than one. The church had a reputation around St. Louis for getting involved in racial incidents and inflaming them, rather than trying to smooth things over -- and Kwame had been in the center of that, even more so than his father.Kwame was capable of violence -- especially violence that aided his political ends, but on a personal. First visit I had seen a new AMP pop up on my side of town and as the usual, decided to check it out during my lunch break. I walked in and was stunned by a tall, young, absolutely perfect beauty. The oh so typical "Massage?" greeting met me and I replied affirmatively and requested a half hour. She led me to the room and told me to take off my clothes and lay face down and I did just that. She asked me "medium or hard", I asked for soft. While she started the massage, we talked and she told me. He made classes but with his knee bruised. I was not a local favorite anymore. I felt I was defending myself but warned I should not have thrown the stone. I just said. "Fuck all of you guys." and ignored them.We were in the Barracks and the other men were laughing and talking. Someone brought up the fact that his girl friend had broken up with him when he joined the army. That had gotten my mind screwed up thinking about it again. I went to the local tavern to get a beer and try to get my mind. I protested with all my might but he just held me down while I bucked as hard as I could to get off the bag. The next thing I knew he had placed the tip of a rubber plug to my ass, and shoved and twisted it so that he lube he had stuffed into my rectum coated this as it drove home.He smacked the other side of my ass with equal force as the first welt and whispered ?This is the first of many fantasies fulfilled, you lucky fuck?, and the bed creaked as he climbed up behind me.Then it dawned on me.
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