You're beautiful.” He was muscled from the same dedication to his body and sport as before, but better. She raised her eyes to his as she slipped he... hands down to his jeans. She wanted him. No, she needed him. Ainsley slipped her shirt over her head, being careful of her nose, before she sat back on the bed and stared up at him. “You're beautiful,” Connor told her, telling her to scoot back as she complied. He pressed her body down as he kissed her lips carefully, the heat passing in waves. "And I'm just trying to help," I said."If you just let me into her apartment that will be help enough," he said shortly."Okay, show me your Identification and then give me the phone number of your supervisor,. After that we can work something out maybe." I don't need this shit," he said and turned to leave."Before you go, I want to see that ID card," I said quietly. He turned angrily back to me to make some comment or maybe get physcial. Instead he found himself looking down the barrel of my. ”“Er, yeah. Yeah it must.”He just looked at me for a moment. “Well, let's find out.” Pushing his hand up inside the leg of my shorts, he took hold of me again, but this time with no fabric between his hand and my once more stiffened member. Pulling the skin gently and slowly as he'd learned from me minutes before, he looked at it with fascination, before lowering his head and starting to lick around the end of it. Now that I was wetted, he began to draw the skin back further until his hand was. She resumed her masturbation with renewed vigour, at first rubbing the vibrator between her soaked cunt lips, occasionally pausing over her clitoris, for the added enjoyment the vibrations there gave her, before plunging her favourite sex aid deep within her cunt, then rapidly wanking herself into a frenzy, coming in torrents down her legs, while I also wanked myself to a lovely orgasm, shooting my load over the wall and floor of the doorway. To see my wife perform in this way, with the lights.
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