So close. So very close. Milimeters away his eyes snapped open. What was he doing. Catching his breath quickly he panted lightly as his head shot up. felt him stiffen in her arms suddenly and looked up. Sean was looking nervous and scared, visibly shaken. ‘Hey,’ she whispered. ‘Are you ok?’ ‘Yeah,’ he said with a shake of his head and a fake smile. ‘Listen, you don’t have to dance anymore, if you don’t want to.’ Amy looked up in confusion. ‘Sean, what’s wrong? That was … great. Everything. They order him to stop again and to remove the vibrator then ask me the same questions who do I belong to, am I a slut and I answer same thing as before so they tell me that I am a slut and that I am theirs....So they had hubby unchain me and put me on my hands and knees and break out the cato9tails.Hubby is to crack me on the ass 2 times in a row then use the vibrator on my pussy and he is to keep doing this till they order him to stop. They had him move the laptop around so we could see them,. He padded down the hall, barefoot, being careful not to wake anyone along the way.He was thinking about exactly what he was going to say, rehearsing it in his mind the way they rehearsed those sugary songs over and over again. On auto pilot, he opened the door without knocking, while debating to himself whether to mention that part about the chest hair. He took a step into the room -- and stopped cold.His mom was sitting at her dressing table, facing away from him. With the angle of the door. She moaned a little louder. Not wanting her to cry out, I brought my lips to hers and whispered, "Be still my love." I kissed her and her mouth opened. Our tongues met and danced like old acquaintances. She wrapped me in her arms. I dipped my finger into her once again to moisten it. When it returned to her clit she moaned into my mouth. I put more pressure on her clit.She awoke with a start. I pulled back and her large deep blue eyes focused on me. Her face put on that big smile of.
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