Nothing else had existed as she had gazed up at him with tears in her eyes, clutching onto him with what little strength she had. As much as he, he would never forget that moment. He just hoped that there would be better, happier moments in the future that could replace it. She would make it. The doctors had given him no updates but he wouldn’t let himself think of the other possibility becoming a reality. A hand on his shoulder startled him from his thoughts. Alex had apparently. I don’t know what I’d do if he did though, I’ve never been courted in my life. My Ma and Pa planned for me to wed the boy on the next farm back in Arkansas and I never met him until the day we got married. I liked him though and he was so kind and gentle. He was a little man, not much taller than Jefferson, but we learned to love each other. I missed him for a long time, after the bad men killed him and Lorene’s husband.”“Corinne, we’ll all help you and you know Eli will never let any man hurt. I mean, I'd sure remember a pretty girl like yourself,” Jerry said, looking me in the eyes. “Now you sound like you're coming on to me,” I laughed. “No ma'am, I'm not. Hell, you're Kevin's girlfriend and, even if I was so inclined, I'd never do anything like that. Besides, I'm sure he'll tell you anyway, I'm gay. That's one of the things I wanted to tell him.” “Really? You don't exactly fit the stereotype.” “Well, it's true. So you see, you're perfectly safe around me.” “And you wanted to tell. It was him all right. Ricky Carter, the object of the three day manhunt. It was reported that he kidnapped his wife and fled into the mountainous wilderness near Edson, Alberta. The search for him had come to involve dozens of policemen and civilian searchers."Now, Corrigan thought, I think we finally got him."Still staying crouched behind the bushes, Corrigan could heard the searchers coming up behind him. Earlier they had formed a line about 25 yards apart so Carter couldn't slip through.
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