SANDU. Sa-mi trag pula, nu zic ca nu mi-am futut nevasta in draci, in acea noapte, eu de doua ori, Gusti, in celalata camera, cu trei futaiuri, da de ...tunci nu am mai fost complexat ca altcineva imi fute nevasta, ca pana atunci, si dimineata, Mira se culcase, l-am condus pe Gusti la gara, fara sa schimbam pareri despre ce s-a petrecut, ca si cand nu s-a intamplat nimic. Dar pentru mine altul a fost futaiul ce m-a scos din minti. Ma chemase Relu, un fost prieten din copilarie, logodit de doi ani. And, before his first birthday, he produced ‘hi’ and ‘dadada’ and ‘mama.’ He was well on his way to real communication.“Is he developing right for his age?” Rachel asked.“Young wedge-tailed eagles depend on their parents for food for up to six months after hatching. They leave the parental nest only when the next breeding season approaches,” Patrick responded.“Don’t be an ass!”“Let me look at the book ... It says that boys fourteen months old average ‘just over 22 lbs.’ ... and ‘the average. When the Navy nurse walked in Johnny Mercer’s room, having grown accustomed to so many veterans not awakening from comas, she didn’t expect him to be awake but he was. Much like so many others, she expected to find him dead in bed, especially someone with his severe injuries. Yet, when he saw her, as soon as he saw her, he smiled at her as if he recognized her, knew her even. He smiled at her in the way that a father smiled at his daughter. He seemed happy that she was happy that he was awake.. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry if I scared you. While I was talking to you, a flight attendant accidentally spilled coffee in my lap. You should see the front of my pants!"From the back of the plane, a passenger yelled"For the love of God, you should see the back of mine!"This one is compliments of AnonymousA married woman is having an affair. Whenever her lover comes over, she puts her nine year old son in the closet.One day the woman hears a car in the driveway and puts her lover in the.
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