That was the trigger for her as well. The thought of all that cum in her ass made her orgasm hard, her eyes rolling into her the back of her head, and...her legs left shaking.Now she had been fucked in all three of her holes, all in the laundry shack. Slowly, Tyrone pulled out, and then put his slick dick away. Shawn was already behind her putting lube on his dick now, ready for round two. She remained where she was, and then took his thick, pink cock into her rectum."Damn! Damn!" she gritted. ‘It’s so good to see you again Miss Cassandra.’ ‘Thank you Mary, it’s good to see you too. Where are they?’ ‘In the Library, come with me.’ She held her hand out for our coats and led the way down the passage to the Library. She knocked softly before opening the door and ushering us inside. ‘Cassie, Darling, how good to see you.’ Her Father engulfed her. Her mother rose from her chair and held out her imperious hand to me. ‘I am Cassandra’s Mother and you are?’ ‘Mother, Daddy, this is Grantley. She wanted to comfort her somehow, but the twins were both clinging to her already, one on each side. She thought of Regina, and her poor cousin Pamela, and wondered if she would see them tomorrow, or would the confusion of the evacuation keep her from knowing whether her cousin had escaped, before the Union Army burned Georgia to the ground. She drifted in and out of sleep. The house was altogether too quiet. Half-awake, she looked over at May again, but was surprised to see she was gone.. ”“Well said, Sir Guy,” the Lord High Sheriff of Nottingham agreed. “But against a force this size, I doubt those Saxon Dogs would dare show themselves. They are after all, mostly cowards.”“You are probably right, my Lord Sheriff. It is one thing for them to harass these local bumpkins, but these are Prince John’s finest that surround us. I fear my sword shall not taste outlaw blood this day.” he replied as he stroked his rich dark beard.“Death, ... bloodshed, is that all you men ever think of?”.
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