This once, I will entrust you with my vow not to kill. Fight, and win!Kaoru: But that's crazy! Kenshin, what are you saying! I understand how he feels... but you can't win a fight with spirit alone! Can't you see--his body--he can barely stand! He's holding onto the shinai just by force of will--he's just barely conscious! (thinking) Barely conscious... Barely... wait a minute... Kenshin:... Miss Kaoru. They're more grown up at that age than people think.Otowa: The Rokudouko didn't kill him.... "You'll see, darling," I replied, trying to keep myself from grinning. "I think you'll like it." Probably so. You tend to have really good ideas overall."I turned on the MP3 player and allowed it the five seconds to initialize. Then, the eight hours of "music" began to play.The "music" was actually numerous sound files I had downloaded from the Internet over the past few months as I had planned this event. However, these were not normal, "mundane" sound files – these were the sounds of women in. I got involved.Maybe three hours and they were back smelling of hamburgers and rootbeer.Ooo ... totally mean mom.When discussing Surprise and me one has to remember New Zealand. In New Zealand I’m almost 10... 4 when we got there and five years building boats and going to school. So it’s not like she’s dealing with a toddler. I might look like a 4 year old but mom knows I’m just short.“I’m going to the Antler, mom.”“Got any money?”“I’m good...”“I doubt that ... got any money?”“Mom ... you know. "Bethany looked at Oscar, and then to his eyes, she could see his fear,doubt, and resolve. Bethany's memories of Granny came back to her withGranny telling her that she is special and needs to be ready as a guideand healer for something big. Bethany realized this is what Granny waspreparing her for and now it was her time to answer the call. Bethanysmiled. sigh of relief broke the tension between them. Oscar made a movetowards hugging Bethany paused "I really need hug, okay?" Bethany.
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