Langsam seinen Schwanz aus ihr heraus. Sie spürte, dass ihr Schliessmuskel gar nicht richtig reagierte. G. musste einen riesigen Krater hinterlassen ...aben. Jetzt trat O. hinter sie. Daniela hatte aufgegeben, zu protestieren. Auch er fickte sie nun in den Arsch und dann war auch noch D. dran. Daniela war der Ohnmacht nahe. Aber ihr fiel noch auf, das keiner der drei Kerle bisher schon gekommen war! Prompt war es soweit. D. riesiger Hammer schwoll noch mal an und dann spürte sie, wie sein heisses. “Oh…Anand, my Darling…was it you? When did you come? I didn’t know? You gave me a shock and nearly killed me”, she said. Soon she came running to me. In the melee, the towel fell off her body leaving the bra and panty only on her. I felt as if I consumed a bottle of raw Scotch whisky when I saw her boobs bouncing and dancing as she came running towards me. But then she did not care either. She hugged me tightly with her big boobs pressed on to my chest. Then she stood on her toes, circled my. It was Susan who first saw him, pushing his airport trolley laden with suitcases and carrier bags."Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" she screamed and ran to him, arms outstretched. He grinned and stood, bracing himself as she literally flung herself into his arms.He staggered, laughing with her and kissed her, hugged her close, his eyes seeking mine. He waggled his fingers at me behind Susan’s back and I laughed as I saw his face lighting up in love and happiness as I responded.Susan let go and hugged his. We talked about it most of the day until Erin finally called Julie just before they left for the clubs weekly party. Erin told Julie we were willing to give it a try. Julie explained that it was too late to invite a guest to the club this week but said that we could come the following week. Julie and Rick stopped by during the week and had dinner with us. Rick was more open this time telling me how exciting it was to watch the other wives getting laid by these dominating black men. Julie.
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