Unglücklicherweise war sie vor wenigen Wochen beim Klettern gestürzt und hatte sich dabei leicht verletzt. Mittlerweile wieder einigermaßen fit und...auf den Beinen, hatte sie von ihrem Arzt eine Überweisung bekommen und war jetzt zum ersten mal bei der Krankengymnastik. Gewappnet mit einer langen Adidas Hose und einem leichten Sweater, die sie manchmal auch zum Joggen trug, wartete sie in einem der gut eingerichteten Praxisräume auf den Therapeuten."Hallo, ich bin Thomas," begrüßte er sie, als. "Don't worry chere, they can't hear us." He took a step forward, offering his hand to her, inviting her to step up onto the low platform and join him. "Come, sweetheart. A little beauty like you shouldn't have to wait in line." She hesitated...he smiled again.And just like that, after a rather perfunctory negotiation, she was slowly, tauntingly stripping the latex skin from her body for him, rolling her hips in sinuous figure-eights, caressing and cupping her tits, offering to his eyes her. ‘It is clear, Mistress.” I whispered. ‘Well, now I am going to punish you, but before that I will give you a choice’ she told me. Searching through the sports bag she took out a black leather collar, with a metal D ring on its front, followed by a spanking paddle. ‘This is the choice. You will accept to obey me and be my willing slave slut, and then you will earn the collar, the training and the punishments you deserve, or you will be free as you were until yesterday to live your pitiful. We weren't going together. I was just going round there to do a job for her mother."He still looked at me weird. "You went to the house to fix her mother's plumbing, and ended up fixing Josephine's?" Twice." Twice," he echoed. He stared for quite a while, then added, "Well, whatever you had for breakfast, I want some of it."I wondered what was in store for me as I walked up the path to Cressida's front door. Well, that's not quite right. I had a damn' good idea that we would end up in a sweaty.
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