And it's nice to see the patients, especially the young men, take in a good eyeful as I pass. I do get a bit of a thrill to think they're looking at m... as something of a sexual object. And although we're supposed to wear black tights, I get a kick out of wearing hold-ups whenever I can; makes me feel slightly naughty to think I could at any moment tease one of my admirers mercilessly by flashing a bit of bare thigh.Anyway, I was in the changing room, just about to undress, when Kate walks in. I. Before he got out, he said I should show the young attendant my sexy little pussy.The boy was kind of cute with a baggy blue uniform on. Bob stopped and spoke to him, the boy nodded his head and walked around the car to the pump. I turned. My knees were pointing toward the steering wheel. I pulled my pleated skirt up past my nylons and parted my thighs. I felt my full breasts tighten and my hot nipples harden with tingling anticipation as the boy started cleaning the windshield. His hand. He ask me if he could borrow some toilet tissue since there were no paper towels to dry his hands. As I began to unroll a handful of tissue, I glanced down at my still swollen, but now falling erection and realized I really didn't care if he was looking at my nakedness. As a matter of fact, I now began to enjoy the compromising situation I was in. I handed the tissue to him and he stood there and wiped his hands. Just then he stepped inside the stall and shut the door behind him. I realized now. We wouldn't actually be alone at all; Asmedogh would be right there with us. And how the hell could I—and he—manage that?Well, part of my mind started rationalizing, he could just do his cat impression for the week. Couldn't he? I mean, it had worked on me for what, three days, four? Sure, we wouldn't have much opportunity to talk (if that was what you could call it), he and I, but that would keep. In addition, he'd been here—been sent here, I guessed—to observe human life and behavior, it.
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