Something in her tone should have put me on guard, but only in hindsight could I recognize that fact. “Remember when I needed to use your computer t... run some of those calculations for the Findler projections on Tuesday?”“Yeah, you didn’t seem to have any problems at all and I saw the projections. They looked great.”“Thank you. I don’t want you to think I was snooping or anything but when I was looking for some of the documents to run them, I ran into some files,” she started to. Viktoria went back to the chest and pulled out a large strap-on, the cock was ten inches long and three inches wide, Mimi helped her secure it in place with a leather harness, Mimi went to each boy and rubbed lube onto each of their ass holes before stepping back silently to watch, Viktoria took a riding crop from the pen wall and walked behind the boys running the crop over the scratches on their backs, she continued doing this for ten minutes and when she could see that the boys were. “You can’t do this, Nate,” Rachel sobbed, tears springing from the corners ofher eyes. “I’m your sister… it’s not right.”“And Phoenix is my mother… and the best fuck I ever had,” spat Nate incontempt. “I have the power to make you my slave, Rachel. You know that, don’tyou? I can make you want it… or I can just r**e the shit out of you.”His hands shot up to her tits, pulling on them hard, the young mutant. She turned, backing up onto him to grind. I saw her mouth opening in pleasure as his hands moved up her torso to her breasts, pinching the nipples as the strobe lights made his movements jerky. She had one hand behind her - perhaps moving into his pants - and his hands came lower down her body, pulling the dress up a little to expose her pussy. I could almost make out her wetness in the dark as his fingers grazed over her clit, pushing her lips apart a little, rubbing up and down her before.
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