Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.We are Microsoft. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.Be nice to your k**s. They'll choose yo...r nursing home.Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?Born free... taxed to death.Some people are alive only because it's i*****l to kill them.If you smoke after sex, you're doing it too fast.A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship.BEER: It's not just for breakfast anymore.HORN. I am being pulled by someone and Idecide if I wish to breathe then following is the best way. Airenters my lungs after I take two steps. I still can hearnothing. No way to even guess where I am or what awaits me.Now steps and then more walking. I think I just went through adoor way. More steps and now I feel my stomach leave as if I amin an elevator. My heels are starting to hurt my feet now but Ifeel carpeting and now I am backed up against a seat of kind.My arms are released from my collar. She slides her ass about 9 inches up and down the 13 inch cock. Each time she comes down her pussy spreading wide 7 inches over his face. He then starts mouthing off over how much she disgusts him. How she doesn't even want these guys. She smirks at 13 inch, and asks' does it look like this asshole does not like your cock.' 'Not even close, in fact it's so thick and long you're the first to take even that much of it and bounce pretty good on it.' 'I'm holding back cumming just to enjoy it. When the bell run John grabbed his stuff and headed out of class. He put in his headphones as he walked down the hall thinking about his new health teacher, Mrs. Williams. He’d heard that her husband had died earlier that year in a car accident. It was pretty tragic. Sure she was very plain, but beneath that she was actually attractive, and John liked the sound of her voice. Perhaps she’d be a good candidate for his new project. An hour later John slipped in front of his computer as he began.
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