It is opulent and grand, but sterile; as if professional decorators and not its residents chose all its contents. Only three rooms had any warmth.'s bedroom, my office and the second floor guest room - which, to my knowledge, had never been used.My office I decorated as a haven away from, honestly, everyone. My bedroom had become a place of either sleep or recovery so, if I had a choice, I wanted to be anywhere else. My office was some place where I could be active without straining my. 2.CULTURAL VALUES AND RESPONSIBILITIES2.1 Customary Law(a)We acknowledge, value, honour and respect our Noongar customary law and culture.Our customary law designates us as the custodians of our country, which means we have responsibilities to our country which we need to meet.Our customary law endows/bestows us with values of respect and reverence for the land and all that is in it.2.2 Right People for Country(a) While the lands of our families overlap and while there are no exclusive domains. I was going to be a writer. I had ideas. I had stories. I had a computer. I had time. My fingers could move. What could go wrong? Ha!On those first long warm evenings with the gentle ocean breezes blowing I would sit out by the pool in the apartment complex and write, typing away on my laptop. It was mostly garbage and I deleted most of the pages before I saved them. Those that I saved I threw out later after I had re-read them. They really were shit. Even I knew that. But I kept at it and. Jessie was a beautiful woman herself and had the men of Essex wrapped around her like dogs on heat. She had jet black hair, fake tanned skin, and green eyes like a snake. She wore a black puffed jacket to keep warm with a blue money belt tied around her waist. "Yeah, sure hasn't changed, has it?" Michelle said, with a laugh. "It never does," Jessie replied. "But some has." She looked towards the Lord Mary Pub with a sad look in her eye. David walked past and saw her daughter was staring after.
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