That kind of place where everything seems peaceful and even boring at times. Why a city like this might get the attention for a story written about it... Because Steelport was the perfect place for a revolution. A sexy revolution if we can say that. One that no woman that lives at the town will ever forget. Ever. To start talking about it, let’s talk about why this place is so important to the story. Steelport was a proud town back in time where steel industry needed a place to facilitate the. ” Monica pleaded turning and heading out. “ Bennie said next time you should ask, not just try to take what doesn’t belong to you. It will get you killed.” She said leaving the office.. Stan stared at the disk for a moment then looked back out the window. Bennie stood looking up at his window finishing off a cigarette. Even from the safety of his office she still looked intimidating.Monica appeared and they both got into the car, with Bennie shooting the finger as the engine roared to life. On it a card "Just enough for today. Get yourself shopping." In it was a red slip dress and a red silk bikini and bra set. The bra was little more than two triangles and a bit of string. Sighing I had a quick shower, it was so tempting to make it longer. I felt dirty, used, and just wanted to scrub it all off me. Useless of course. A quick scrub dry then back to the clothes. The dress hung loosely from me, the bra very visible, and the bottom of the dress barely covered my bottom.Just in time. They had irresponsibly done what they did without checking the sexual history of the people they were doing it with. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of the do-gooders, they hadn't found a way to make STDs impossible. We were careful in school, you knew who did it, who didn't, and people took care to make sure their bodies were clean. It was called being an adult.You had to be invited to these parties, and to do that you had to be "known". Rick and I were, along with about a dozen girls.
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