The giant was impossible to overpower. ‘Which way did she go?’ Brick demanded again. Finally calming enough for the words to register, Niko stoppe... struggling. ‘The path.’ ‘Your woman may be fleet-footed, but no one’s that fast,’ Brick said. ‘That explosion was about a half mile down stream from where the path ends. Either she sprouted wings, or…’ ‘Or we got company,’ Niko finished as Brick turned him loose. ‘Jesus. I have to find her.’ ‘I ain’t leavin’ Lorette.’ ‘You see to her,’ Niko said. He. I am.I sit down and check out a newspaper left behind, I see you walking out with bags in hand, and walking towards me, you take a peek, then continue on, I wait a bit, and follow you from far, in admiration of your great legs and sexy curvy body, teasing me so that I come closer, but I keep my distance. I see you walk towards a stairway, I let you get a head start, then go in the stairway and walk down, I don’t know this, but your hidding behind stairs, you see me come down, as I’m headed. Pulling out a set of keys from the glove compartment, Horace unlocked the front door and saw the half-naked figure of the young woman cuddling her eldest – a five year boy – as he cried. It was clearly little William's bedtime but as far as he was concerned, it was big Horace's fucktime. The tax accountant cleared his throat and Linda looked up. "I wish you'd knock," she moaned, throwing him a coy smile that was lost on the gentleman. Horace sneered at her putting the flowers on a little table. It’s not long before I pull away from her touch, I can’t take that much longer. She smiles to herself, knowing the control she has over me and takes a mouthful of her drink, turns to Michelle and continues their conversation like nothing has happened. The evening wears on. “I’m calling it a night everyone after this," I announce, eager to get Elizabeth all to myself once again. It’s a move full of strategy and only time will tell if it plays out the way I want it. “Think I’m going to head.
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