.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuck mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i was in neeeeeeeeedof this fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk……………………..fuck meeeeeeeeeee...eeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafuck me……………………………..its great of have your dick in my ass sssssssooooooooo fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeeeee you are a great fucker i love your waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy fuck meeeeeeeee hard harder hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooo fuck me…………..i was stroking her like. The rest of the time was spent talking, much of it as described already. I won’t go into detail on the chats she had with Cassie. All that’s important for the telling of this story is that she made it clear that Cassie was smitten with me and, at least in her mind, sexually available to me, and that, somehow, that had affected my sister to the point that she felt something oddly similar. Maybe best friends get similar desires by osmosis.Had I just stayed a day or two and then gone back to. . ? ?? After a while, I wanted more so I reachedfor the ruler, and hit my ass with it, each stroke ramming me a little harderon to the hairbrushes, building the arousal more. I alternated between hittingmy ass and rubbing my pussy with the other hand, even rubbing my clit into thecarpet, which again caused my breasts to move backwards and forwards on thespikes...????? When I had reached a wonderful high fromthe ruler and the brushes, I decided I wanted to really have a good look at mybody, to. Evaluate this situation. Jeri manipulated you into doing what she wanted. Fine. But has ANY of it hurt you? Or your family? Or your friends? Or your business?”“It’s a trust issue. And those are the hardest to overcome.”“Other than using her body to manipulate you, has she done more to help or hurt your company?”“Help, of course.”“And has she tried to take advantage of you in ANY way except to get you onto the Board?”“Not that I’m aware of.”“Be honest now, if you hadn’t had that close.
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