Tom would constantly ask me out on a date, but I always turned him down. “Old enough to be my dad,” I told him. He’d always say, “Experience i... what counts, sweetheart.” and give me a wink. I’d laugh it off, but next minute he’d be in deep conversation with Colin, both of them looking at me and smirking to each other. They gave me the shivers. The landlord was a lazy bastard, and most nights I’d end up alone in the bar to lock up. I’d do a patrol, make sure there was no-one lurking in the loos.. I like you but I didnt want to look a twat in front of the others! You didnt want to look a twat?! Thats no excuse to say what you said! I said I was sorry! Its too fucking late for that now! Oh you talk too much and he yanked my head into his again and his fiery tongue invaded my mouth again. I tried to fight it, but his powerful arms kept a firm hold on me. He may have been a public school reject, but boy was his kissing good! His tonguing made the snog slippery but oh so enjoyable.. She leaves her mouth open and I grab her hair. I thrust my hair cock into her mouth she takes it out. "If I tap 3 times stop" I nod but I've never done this. All my life my sex life was boring.I thrust my cock into her mouth again. I force it down her throat, it feels warm around my hard cock. I I thrust in and out and she makes choking noises as I pull her hair and ram my cock in her throat again and again. She doesn't tell me to stop and I feel a surge of power as I dominate this girl. I feel. She spasmed and jerked before pushing me away, "crazy boy."I laughed and helped her out of bed. I slipped my robe on and waited for her to finish dressing. The dining room was up on the top level and in the back. We sat together and food began to appear. While we ate I told Olivia about the tomb I was hunting. It was one of the three mage priests that lived more then five thousand years ago.She listened as I told her how I had found the information. I glanced at the tall woman that appeared and.
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