Not a word about what it meant. Hell, I never heard of such a thing. I had to look it up at the library this morning." Yeah, but nobody ever heard of ... damn Gibson's Water Snake, till now, when the damn thing crawls up out of the sewer." There could have been a better job done on the part of the Fish and Wildlife Service on keeping us informed," Kutzley said. "On something that doesn't mean anything, they send us a ton of paper. On something that's important, we have to find out like this.. "Another battle lost I thought to myself. Annie always got what she wanted, and always got her way. Of course mom and dad didn't think it was noisy, they were downstairs in the living room, about as far from Annie as they could get. I was in the room next to hers and could hear the racket first hand.That was when I had my big brainstorm!If that cherry smelling syrup could make the old bitch sleep, maybe it could help me. So on the pretense of getting a bottle of Coke, I poured a medicine cup. My husband and my schedule just haven’t meshed lately and it’s getting to be where it’s almost painful. My libido is running overtime and I can feel it. I’m a nurse practitioner that is employed by a popular cruise line. I don’t feel it necessary or wise to divulge it’s identify. Though I’m a married woman, you might find that surprising after reading my story. I just got a little carried away that’s all. So here I am, my fifth day at sea on a 10 day trip, when a nice looking guy enters my. When I looked up from my laptop for a moment to compose my thoughts I noticed a pretty young woman sitting at a booth across from me. And to my delight she smiled at me like she thought I was cool.As I said I am 54, and I'm no great specimen. I haven't done anything to hurt my body, but then I haven't gone out of my way to make it exceptional either. And at 54 if you want to look good you have to work at it. So I was amazed that this hot looking young woman seemed to want to hold my gaze.Then.
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