The mosquitos began to leave him in peace, but, just like demonic relay partners, the ants began getting active again! There were still traces of the ...oney that attracted them back to those same familiar places. Once again he was howling and crying as they drove him to the brink of madness, not letting him cum, but keeping him ever so close... When Beverly and Karen finally showed up around 9:00am he was blubbering like a baby. In his wild thrashings he had managed to loosen one of the stakes. My perfect pedicure bringing me even more excitement. While looking at my crimson colored toenails, and admiring the arch of my feet, I take my thick, extra long (about a foot), cucumber and jam it deep past my dripping bush, into my wide-open wet pussy hole. It doesn’t all fit at once, but I just have to have it all. Despite the ripping sound that I hear, I push. Harder, and then much harder. I am so sure that I’m bleeding…but no pain, no gain. Right?I feel myself cumming, but I’m not. A clean hand poked through the hole, cupping my booty and squeezing it before it slid between my thighs. I felt his fingers lightly probe my vagina lips, massaging them and teasing a little. To my surprise, dad’s eyes were fixed on booth one’s hand. He watched with laser focus as fingers tickled my thighs and gently pushed inside me. He swallowed hard as booth one’s finger disappeared.“It’s OK dad, I promise,” I assured him. His eyes stayed focused on booth one’s fingers as they slid in and out. Finally sated shelly pulled her panties back up, tucking her now soft cock back in. She rolled over and went to sleep thinking about sex with Darla until Steve slid into her thoughts. Then it was of the fun she could have with Steve and Darla together. Finally, sleep claimed her with a devilish smile on her lips.After that first day, the girls’ life went on pretty much as most college kids’ life do, class, homework and social life. It was in the social life that Darla and Shelly started.
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