The husband will be spending all the money on stuff that Miss Brat doesn’t actually need, but she just needs to be spoiled and feel the sensation of...power and destruction. The urban dictionary should have a new entry meaning destruction: Miss Brat! After the guy buys some expensive and useless stuff, Miss Brat will typically not like it and demand even more stuff just to make the guy feels more useless and weak. She is the one who makes the rules and he just needs to obey without questioning. It was the make up and hair part that I was worried about. I have never done anything with my hair beyond throwing it up into a ponytail behind my head. As for makeup, well, I was never really one to wear makeup. Then don’t wear makeup, I thought to myself. But I want him to like me, I argued back. If he doesn’t like you for who you are, I thought again, then he is not worth it. So I decided against make up. I would rather not look as good with makeup off, then looking like the girl who doesn’t. Rohini don’t know what was happening, so am I, having no idea what was happening. She dragged her towards the first floor and I followed them behind.Chitra opened the bedroom door and pushed Rohini aunty inside and she went inside and locked the door. I went near the door and saw through the keyhole.Rohini aunty was on the floor, Sudha and Ritcha were drinking alcohol sitting on the sofa and my Chitra aunty was standing near Rohini aunty. After seeing this only I know, they were drunk. Sudha. He slid on a pair of lavender thongs and black lace midriff top. The five-nine girly man stepped into a pair of shiny black heels and waited on the couch.When he heard a knock at the front door, he bounded up and went to answer. The slim-built, medium brown Raheem stood there. He came inside quickly still wearing the light pink button down shirt and black slacks from earlier. He shut and locked the door behind them. He immediately pressed Natty against the wall. He inhaled. “You smell sweet..
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