They encouraged the mourners to seek comfort from each other and their faith. They reminded everyone to focus on the good and happy memories they shar...d with Don and Margaret.After the service, the parents held a receiving line. Mr. Leonard came up to them. “Mr. and Mrs. Langston, Mr. and Mrs. Gunderson I want to offer you Mrs. Leonard’s and mine condolences. Donnie and Margaret were excellent students.” He looked at the parents. “I know we don’t see eye to eye, but your children were wonderful. Although, if Damien just broke his arm... That wouldn’t hurt.” Langdon laughed and lead the team into the locker room. I was in the swimming pool locker room collecting some dirty towels for laundry. I worked a few hours after school everyday to save up money for my college tuition. Being from a broken family, I needed to save every cent I could get my hands on. Sadly, moving from town to town with my mother wasn’t making it easy. I couldn’t hold a steady job and being a student in Far Water. I hope you are not disappointed,” she winks.Feeling embarrassed, I shake the hand with an awkward smile, and, shaking my head, I start unpacking my luggage into my room. She was pretty cool about it as people often gender guess based on names. I settled in, and she helped with the food on the first couple of days and kind of acted like the host.As days went on, our friendship grew, and so did the depth of our conversations. We started to hang out more, cook together, and have fun, just like my. Why are you interested in me?" Good question. I have a cousin who was kinda like you. I mean, she is a girl, but she has no ovaries. Instead, she has testicles. When she found out, she freaked. She told someone she thought was a friend and they blabbed to the whole school. She was bullied about it so much, she hung herself." Oh, my God," I said. "She killed herself?" No. She hung herself. She was found before she died. She did, however, suffer brain damage and lose the use of her right leg..
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